Getting pretty excited about #WriteOut — a placed-based collaboration by the...
encourage others to blog about their interests and passions, to share...
Check June 9th and every Sunday until July 28th for...
Traces of Spaces
Between thinking and doing-
twisting and turning
a few tips to be more successful at Google Drawings
A short primer: What's in a blog post? With help links.
share your hobbies and connect with others who like to learn...
In those connections, build relationships -- keep connecting with the people...
why your "HOME" is important
Why Blog? Four Important Reasons
Why Blog? Four Great Reasons!
I can hear my mom now as I struggled with something,...
The Blank Page
It stares back at you, daring you to just...
learned, collaborated, and published in authentic ways using digital citizenship
information for anyone who wonders about, wants to start, or...