A Purpose
I taught Middle School Language Arts Media for thirty-one years and am now retired. Even so, I still understand that the world can be a global community, and building that community requires sharing and connections to understand each other and make the world better.
Students today enjoy the connectedness of social networking; it is part of their very being. My goal now and when teaching is to bring my instruction and my current projects into that cloud to share content in ways that inspire online responsibility and ethics in this new, very public world.
In addition, I, as I connect with other educators and artists about the emerging issues and pedagogy of connected learning, I reflect here on those issues, pedagogy, and connections that make for a diverse dialogue about what education could be. These are my reflections.
Please remember we are all learning. Neither my words nor those of my former students represent our school district, and our words belong to each of us as we strive to become better learners.
We question, we converse, we express, we suggest, we explore. We ask, “What Else?”
I am learning together with my colleagues in my professional learning as an educator, writer, and artist to share in an online, diverse, and welcoming neighborhood, just as my students were also learning together to build their neighborhoods and practice digital citizenship.
We are learning forward. Thank you for your patience as we grow.
Sheri / Ms Edwards
Contact: Sheri Edwards
This information document Blogging Guidelines explains purpose, value, netiquette, and strategies for blogging with students.