Day 45 A Lost Lane

The Sunday drive begins with a choice of a back road that may lead to no where. Dusty hills of soil and clay, the wind gusts pulling up clouds here and there or where some motorcycle roars past on the trail off road. Yellow sunflower-like arrow leaf balsam root dot the sunny slopes in clumps of vibrant bouquets upheld on fuzzy green stems and arrow leaves.

The horizon of sage brush and flower on rolling hills with outcrops of basalt columns painted a line against the morning glory blue of the summer sky.

Tall bunch grass replaced the the sage brush and sunflowers, until in the next curve of the black top, a brilliant blue shone in the middle of the road as a lake lapped on the end of the lost lane and cattails and tule surrounded eroding road, the sky and lake forming one bright blue.

tules still grow tall,

once gathered for homes, now just

red-winged blackbirds sing.


tule: woven tule grass make baskets and homes of the first people


Sometimes we want to say more in our story of a scene, describe our travels in detail that is a prose poem. Go right ahead — describe the scene, then end with a twist in the form of a haiku. That– the combination of prose poem and haiku– is a poetic form called a haibun.

Haibun examples

A bit more detail from

Of course, — experiment as I did in my poem above.

About this post:

Be safe out there. Find ways to help yourself, your family, and others keep going! We can do this together!

April is time for NaPoWriMo — National Poetry Writing Monthtry a bit of poetry and art to encourage others to be safe with each other. Something short. Something inclusive. Something of spring and hope. #NaPoWriMo/#GloPoWriMo

The Academy of Poets encourages us to write #shelterinpoems. Get some ideas there and share your own.

Tons of information can be found at Poets.orgNational Poetry Month and here: Virtual Programs.

National Council of Teachers of English also offers suggestions here.