Day 44 A Garden Story

A Garden Story


Plant an annual

for a vibrant garden now—

plant again next year.


Plant perennials

for yearly vibrant gardens—

growing more each year.


Long ago planted,

my purple periwinkle

pops up everywhere.



Again today I took a walk in the yard and noticed something new: my periwinkle popping up where it was not before. I love that about perennials: they just keep growing.

So again, I am observing and writing what I see.  It’s not an earth-shattering, emotional poem: it’s one of what is, day by day, a document of life in our every day.

I may return to it and revise it, add a twist or surprise. I may even change the form or add rhyme.  But the moment, the little event of a periwinkle is recorded in poem and picture.

Thy it.

The poem above is a haiku: learn how to write one here [Kenn Nesbitt ] and here [The Writing Cooperative ].

For Prompts, see these posts:

Day 42 The Prize— a moment in time; keeping a journal to document changes over time

Day 38 4.20.2020— observe; draw or snap a picture

Day 35 Warming Hope— writing and revising haiku

About this post:

Be safe out there. Find ways to help yourself, your family, and others keep going! We can do this together!

April is time for NaPoWriMo — National Poetry Writing Monthtry a bit of poetry and art to encourage others to be safe with each other. Something short. Something inclusive. Something of spring and hope. #NaPoWriMo/#GloPoWriMo

The Academy of Poets encourages us to write #shelterinpoems. Get some ideas there and share your own.

Tons of information can be found at Poets.orgNational Poetry Month and here: Virtual Programs.

National Council of Teachers of English also offers suggestions here.