Jumpstart Topics — what do I write about?

Accepted the invitation to blog every day for 30 days? You could start today! See Anna’s invitation here.

But what will you write about?

Whatever your interests are, some one else is interested as well. For this challenge, follow the #modigiwri hashtag on twitter and read the blogs shared each day. Get some ideas, then start your own 30-day, 150 word/day challenge to yourself. Share your posts, go to others’ posts, comment on others’ posts and begin your connections. Even if you don’t belong to twitter, you can still click that link and follow the hashtag to find others’ digital writing links to which you can read, get ideas, and comment.

As an example, if you read my first post here, you will notice a comment at the bottom, including a link from a comment by me to a reader’s [my friend Kevin’s] response here. He responded to three people’s response to his tweet to create an image of our digital writing process , which was a response to Anna’s initial invitation tweet. The point is the reciprocity — a share and a response. It does not need to be a creative response, like Kevin, Terry, and Anna did — but a comment, and a continuation of the conversation on your own blog.

I would like to take this space to thank Kevin for his poetry and songs he created based on our [Terry, Anna, and my] images that reflect our writing process. I so love the interpretations, moving from our thoughts to our images to Kevin’s imaginings in poetry and music really reflected three different processes. Awesome. Thank you.

Another idea for topics is to create a way to gather ideas important to you, to curate ideas and topics. One way I do this is a blog I created just to gather ideas. I do this by following educators on Twitter and when a topic of interest is posted, I email the tweet to my blog: So Consider. I could, through my email, even specify categories and tags for the post, but I usually don’t. I can use the search box on my blog to search for topics, click the links for research, and then write my own ideas on this blog.

Ok, your turn: where do you get ideas for your blogging?

This blog is an invitation and a response to Anna’s Challenge invitation: More MoDigiwri! [More Digital Writing]

And here’s the challenge:

So, we’re inviting you to engage in a combo of these two challenges, writing digitally every day to jump start your writing… and sharing and responding to others who are doing the same!

The writing can be about anything and come in any formUse the hashtag #modigiwri if you want to help people find your posts!