#nablopomo #nablopomoed
Day 13: weather description, a sample of setting…
Perfect prompt today as we continue reading Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper. for the Global Read Aloud 2013. We’re at the important part of the story. The weather is loud with thunder and pouring rain. Everyone is in a foul mood and some are sick; nothing is right. And nothing was right. And something happened.
“I shrieked, I screeched, I yelled. The rain poured. The thunder roared.”
Chapter 30, page 275.
It’s an intense chapter in which weather adds to the struggle. It’s perfect chapter to show how setting, and weather, can add suspense, especially if students are also writing novels for NaNoWriMo.
I especially the lesson when students then apply the strategy:
“Today the Eagles will play the Chargers. You remember the last time they went back in forth in nice, clear weather. Today they will play in rain and loud thunder. Eagle fans asked if they are going to cancel the game, and the coach said, “No. They’re tough; they want to play.” [ from Bad Weather chapter in Ray’s Novel ]
So if the clear weather brought a give/take score, will this rainy weather create a give….. or a take score pattern? I can’t wait to find out.
So this day included a ray of sunshine as well as some suspense in two novels! And this is how my weather started:
To the east in the foothills, clouds shrouded the pines, which were ghostly slivers of darkness fading and appearing within the steel grey of fog. On my way north, the the low lying clouds lightened, softening into billows of white with only a hint of grey-blue below each. The red willow branches still held the sliver of yellow leaves, holding on to the last leaves of life, while the elms had either shriveled brown balls of leaves, or none, leaving only the deep brown outline of once stately trees. But to the west, the low clay hills rolling in sage and bunch grass, remained in shadow below as the tops popped in golden hues as the light of the world whisked away the fog and shimmered them in morning yellow.
Today would be a good day after all.