WriteOut Cracks in the Rock

Today’s Daily Create WriteOut prompt is to find a plant that’s popped up through the cracks of pavement or rock. I have a favorite tree near Banks Lake that did just that– we’ve watched it grow— and die. Unfortunately drought, fire, and wind played a part in the life of this tree– which probably lived for over twenty years.– not long for a Ponderosa Pine. The oldest Ponderosa was 600 years old. We were saddened at this loss.

A Ponderosa Pine is identified easily because it’s long needles grow in threes.

I’ve written about this tree before, with more poetry and art, here: Day 572 Ponderosa Pine

illustration of pine tree growing in basalt rock
On Flickr with Poem

Last year’s poem was better because I took on the voice of the pine tree:

Life Finds A Way

From the cone, released
I fall, carried away
by a brisk breeze,
away from chipmunk,
down into the crevice
of black basalt,
snug inside as rain falls
I sprout, spiraling my root
along the crack
to the soil, stem streaming
to the light above,
I grow tall in the rock,
a seemingly unlikely spot, yet
life finds a way

Sheri Edwards
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Ponderosa Pine
Steamboat Rock State Park, WA

This year’s poem– thinking on the facts of the pine tree’s life:

Cracks in the Rock

From a cone,
the tiny seed falls
lightly on the wind,
close to its beginning
Into a tiny crack
in basalt below.

From a seed,
roots sprout about
quickly in its home,
the sapling feeding
and seeking sun
growing daily:
life finds a way.

Within two months,
the tap root
will grow 20 inches
and eventually roots will
grow to six feet deep,
and may spread 150 feet.

Sheri Edwards
10.18.22 293.365.22
Ponderosa Pine, also called Yellow Pine
Pinus ponderosa
Banks Lake, 2017

#clmooc #DS106  @ds106dc   #tdc3931 #writeout 

Because, I can’t resist:

Life will find a way

This post is part of the October WRITEOUT adventure of the National Writing Project and the National Park Service — a STEAM-powered Write Out 2022. Organized as a public invitation to get out and create, supported by a series of free online activities, Write Out invites educators, students, and families to explore national parks and other public spaces. The goal is to connect and learn through place-based writing and sharing. Learn more and sign up: https://writeout.nwp.org