Daily Note
Every day, a photograph, a poem, or illustration. I awake safe in another day. It is March 1, 2022. March is the Slice of Life challenge, hosted by Two Writing Teachers and this is my post. It started with a Daily Create @ds106dc #tdc3701 Explain A Difficult Concept to a Five Year Old. I’m having trouble with my new iPad— my art apps are not working, so I’m improvising on my old iPad with an app I’m not used to. But I do not complain because I awoke safe. But my mind is thinking of the people of Ukraine— and their danger defending their democracy. The earth keeps spinning, day to night to day, rotating on its axis west to east while orbiting around the sun. Day and night. We do what we can with our own lives. Take care of and appreciate what we have, and hope for the people of Ukraine. Here’s an article in the Seattle Times of how you can help. Update: And an article How to Talk to Kids about Ukraine.
We can’t explain war. It makes no sense. But night and day, we can:
Day and Night
In dark space
Sheri Edwards
The sun’s light shines
And while earth spins
The light is in
From sun’s rays
We call days
Stopping the light
From earth’s other side: now night
030122 060.365.22
11:45 AM PST Spokane, WA
9:45 PM EET Kyiv, Ukraine
Another poem for Ukraine from 02/25/22:

Science Resources on Day and Night:
Writing Tips
Sometimes, our minds are so full of joy and sometimes worry— so so sometimes our writing just needs to look at what we can accept. Here, I recognize that we go on— day to night to day— step by step. And— the blue and yellow of Ukraine, with a little search, found it’s wheat fields and blue sky, like it’s flag, so I wrote those into my poem. Write what is. It helps keep us focused on that which we can change and that which can only send our hope.
Why the blue and yellow– take a look at this photo of Ukraine I found on Pixabay by Igor2008: see the yellow fields of wheat and the lovely autumn leaves come alive below the beautiful blue sky.