Day 39 Petals in the Wind

Petals On the Wind

As winds will blow the petals free to air

We dream of days we pick the ripened pear.

The wind softly stirred the petals, gently pulling them off until they float like snowflakes in the air, reminding me that one day later in summer, I’ll be eating a pear.

Thinking about that– and the words air and pair — reminded me of a poetic form called the couplet, and while reading about it, I was reminded also if iambic pentameter.

Briefly– click the links for detail:

couplet: two lines of poetry that rhyme

iambic pentameter: ten syllables in a line, alternating stressed/unstressed:

Iambic pentameter is one of the most commonly used meters in English poetry. For instance, in the excerpt, “When I see birches bend to left and right/Across the line of straighter darker trees…” (Birches, by Robert Frost), each line contains five feet, and each foot uses one iamb.



Prompt:  Write a couplet

Find a bit of nature [or your cat] and write a couplet with iambic pentameter.  It took awhile to get it to work.

About this post:

Be safe out there. Find ways to help yourself, your family, and others keep going! We can do this together!

April is time for NaPoWriMo — National Poetry Writing Monthtry a bit of poetry and art to encourage others to be safe with each other. Something short. Something inclusive. Something of spring and hope. #NaPoWriMo/#GloPoWriMo

The Academy of Poets encourages us to write #shelterinpoems. Get some ideas there and share your own.

Tons of information can be found at Poets.orgNational Poetry Month and here: Virtual Programs.

National Council of Teachers of English also offers suggestions here.

Tune in to Glokel Yokel DS106radio for inspiration.

poetry and photo by Sheri Edwards