WC: 150
This post is part of a 30-day challenge to reflectively write and post at least 150 words with the hashtag #modigiwri, which started with Anna here. Join us and here goes!
I’ve also joined the #blogging28 challenge by Edublogs, thanks to Denise’s tweet.
Your poem is a perfect example of how digital writing can expand beyond words. And I am also thinking about word count. Limiting words pushes us to consider how other forms of expression can get beyond “mere” words and expand meanings.
I think we’re both doing the blogging challenge, and I may incorporate some 150-word posts.
Finally, your blog design is lovely, especially the blurb on the right.
I appreciate connecting with you as part of my PLN.
Hi Karen, thanks for stopping by and chiming in. I appreciate the support, which Edublog’s blogging28 challenge encourages.
I think you’re right about other forms of expression helping to extend our meaning. Bloggers learn that with links and images!
Glad to connect and learn with you!