WriteOut CLmooc Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks of Liberty Bell Peak in WA State on Highway 20


Eons ago

the land formed

and eons later it rose

and now I stand in awe

Of a timeline unimaginably vast

Gleaming in this golden hue

slipping off with the sun

as the half-moon honors

its ancient legacy

Reminding me

Of my smallness,

Of our short time here

Where we denigrate our differences

Wasting away worlds of time

We could better spend together

Honoring our diversity

Because we are

but one people

On one world

We need.


Photo and Poetry by Sheri

This post is part of the 2018 Summer #WriteOut in places, parks, poetry, and doodles with #Clmooc. Learn more at CLmooc blog and National Writing Project / National Park Service WriteOut