Connected Educator Blogging Challenge

Are you hesitant to join in the global conversations around the world? Are you overwhelmed by the amount of information flowing towards you?

One way to join the conversation and sort out the information is to start a blog to reflect on and share the ideas to which you connect. You just might help someone else be less overwhelmed with what you add to the blogging community. And fortunately for you Sue Waters at Edublogs has a step by step challenge started. You can learn on your own following her easy-to-follow directions. From creating a blog, to setting up pages, posting, and commenting, she provides clear, written, and visual directions for you. It’s Connected Educator’s Month, and Edublogs always participates in events that promote connection and innovation.

So get your fingers stretched and ready to type. It’s easy. One of the most important activity challenges is setting up an “About Page.” I know; you are overwhelmed; you’re not sure you want your name out there. But remember, when we research topics, the first thing we do is check the authenticity of the author. We want to know who’s writing. And if you want to stretch your network, readers need to know who you are so they can contact you to collaborate on projects.

It’s time to start creating your digital footprint. As a teacher, it’s important to be a role model for your students. In this very public, online world, we teachers have a responsibility to model and teach digital writing and citizenship. Your About Page lets readers who find your blog and your parents and community know who you are.You model the transparency and civility for this digital world.

So I encourage you to start blogging by following the wonderful ways to engage and create in the Edublogs Teacher Challenge. And please, use your real name and tell about yourself on an “About Page.”

Remember, wherever you write on the Internet, it is your footprint:

A blog post and comment is your footprint…

a path back to you…

prepare your path wisely.


on “Connected Educator Blogging Challenge
2 Comments on “Connected Educator Blogging Challenge
  1. Sheri!
    This is the perfect post for someone who’s riding that line… Should I start a blog? Why would anyone care what I have to say? I’ve already put it in my Evernote under “Encouragement”. I have this notebook to assist me when teachers at my school (um, ALL of them???) resist Twitter and the like. It should help me later in the year when I hope they’ll start coming around!

    Thanks for the post – I hope it gets many more teachers sharing their ideas! Like YOURS!

    • Thanks, Joy! You are such an encourager yourself that I’m sure your “resisters” will soon come around. I love the Evernote tip to have a notebook or tag just for “Encouragement.” I do have a notebook I’ve shared with our teachers who have Evernote. We can find and share clips to discuss later. I do hope to encourage others to begin at least monthly blogs about their teaching and their classrooms. Let others know the wonders occurring in your classrooms, and connect with other bloggers. Or, share Evernote webclips and reflect on your blog the results. Great idea! Thanks, Joy.

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