A Lesson in Perseverance

Writing Inspiration

This morning as we rushed out the door for errands, we found the daffodils hanging their heads in the heavy and wet snow. My husband was worried about them, but I reminded him that they are early spring flowers and nature knows in might snow. They will persevere. And by the time we returned, they stood tall again. I knew this would be my poem today

Writing Process

I knew I’d write a short poem for this busy day and easy little lesson from nature. A couplet— two lines, perhaps with rhyme. Here is what I thought:

I started out with the two lines, checking the unaccented/accented syllabic rhythm:

The cold returns and though it snows
The daffodil in beauty grows.

But I wanted words that would show that, despite the snow, the lovely yellow flowers still grow, so I the word “still” plus “boldly” show the perseverance and daring:

The cold returns and though it snows
The daffodil still boldly grows.


A Lesson in Perseverance

The cold returns and though it snows
The daffodil still boldly grows.

Sheri Edwards
041522 106.365.22

Your Turn

As you go about your day today, look for signs of perseverance— where something goes on despite adversity. Perhaps a weed in the crack of the sidewalk. Perhaps a goal met. Perhaps the dog staring at you until you take him for a walk. There are many, big and small, to find.

Start with a line of the adversity.

Add the line of perseverance.

it doesn’t need to rhyme, but do try for a flow of rhythm in the syllables.

Smile. You could write another poem about succeeding at writing a poem.