Day 14 Rainfall

rain boots

April is Coming


March winds blowing

nature’s seeds sowing,

spreading, settling

for April’s rain.


April clouds shower

seeds sprout and flower,

budding, blooming

for May’s gardens.

Prompt: What is rain? How is it formed? Why is rain important? Since April is considered the month of spring rain, wonder about rain in ways that interest you. Brainstorm what you know, what you don’t know. For instance, what happens to the rain after it flows down the street or through the fields? Find an answer. Create a poem, a song, a wish, a video to share what you know and what you learned.


Resources for Rainfall

USGS Water Cycle for beginning, intermediate, and advanced learning

USGS: The Fundamentals of the Water Cycle

The Water Project: Water Cycle [and activities / experiments]

NOAA: Water Cycle

Science Kids: Rain Facts

Cook Kids Facts: How Rain is Formed [links to learn more]

Water Foundation: Water Kids

This post is a Slice of My Life, part of a March Slice of Life by The Two Writing Teachers with tweets at #sol20