Day 5

I was not much of a reader as an older child, less than when in primary school, where trips or walks to the library were exciting — and cool in the heat of a North Dakota summer. I moved from “Mr Apple’s Family” to “The Jungle Book,” where my imagination of the words took me into a world the movie of today cannot compete with! And my favorite book was “The Secret Garden.” And now, my backyard, includes little hide-away secret places for the grandkids: a little cove in the corner, overgrown with maples and surrounded by Oregon grape, and beneath the grape arbor next to the fence, a tunnel from world to another.

Books are such great adventures for the mind’s imagination. Of course, you can watch the movie– then decide which you like best. Or write your own stories with characters that surprise us.

Prompt: Story Time: Read or Write One!

Then draw something around one of your favorite quotes, like I did with Bilbo [I love The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings as an adult]. I thought of it, because we could take a sip of imaginary tea together, or if you ever are near, you could one day join me for a spot of tea?


Resources Found Today


Did you know you can check out up to 3 of the 300,000 ebooks in the New York Public Library? Check out this information to learn how.

Museum Field Trips

Some of us need inspiration for writing stories, and some of us want neither reading or writing. So how about a virtual tour of a museum? Google Arts and Culture shares over 500 virtual museum tours! Read and find links about them in the Architects Newspaper.

For the Younger Ones

For young children, check out this site for links to virtual museums: Early Childhood Education Zone.

Joyce Valenza shares multi-lingual sites and activities for young ones:

Think About a Schedule

What to do during the time at home? It’s a challenge, and I doubt if kids are wanting to do work packets from school. So I love this idea from John Spencer:

Here’s a bigger picture of their family developed schedule:

He’s quick to add that:

Maker Hour: Make something! bake, create, build, fold paper [origami]: your choice

Genius Hour: learn something new — information or how to [research about the pyramids or beetles; learn how to make a tessellation]

Independent Reading Time [see links above]

Fitness Hour:  Move it or lose it! Create fun races. Here are some ideas, but do make up your own!

Service Hour: Do something for someone else: write a note card or post card to a relative; help with a chore; record a song for a friend; write a poem for mom; make sure you are quiet while dad or mom works from home.

John Spencer’s family idea, to decide together what to do is a great way to spend the time we now have at home together. And most important is the idea of deciding together, that kids have a choice. I like how Sheldon Soper shared his family activities:

What other ideas do you have?  What have you decided to do for your time together? Why not have some tea together while you talk about it?

This post is a Slice of My Life, part of a March Slice of Life by The Two Writing Teachers with tweets at #sol20.