Writing Tips
One of my favorite forms of poetry is the haiku. What I like about it is that I can write about nature and tie in imagery and emotion in just a few short lines — three, in fact, in a 5-7-5 syllable format. I’m not very good or clever, but sometimes I find the words that have heart. So don’t be afraid to try— it takes a bit of time to choose just the write words to fit the 5-7-5 syllable pattern, but don’t mess with rhyme! Just find a bit of nature and how it makes you feel. Try to choose words that fit the element and the emotion, as specific as you can. For more help and better learn how to write a Haiku, See children’s poet Ken Nesbitt’s How To Write a Haiku.
For my haiku today, I chose my photo of our sunflowers, the arrowleaf balsamroot, to honor the bravery of the Ukrainian people. I thought of the chaos striking their daily living, and how, with spring, the sunflowers and all spring flowers will blossom to brighten their lives. You’ll see I chose four words that start with ‘c’ for some alliteration. And I compared the chaos to crashing clouds, with the bright yellow shining through for hope. I hope that message is what you read in my haiku.
Now, what can you find in nature and your feelings that you could write a haiku about?
When clouds of chaos
Sheri Edwards
crash upon the calm of love
yellow brightens life
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