April is National Poetry Month
sponsored by the Academy of American Poets
What is poetry? What is a poem?
#napowrimo is National Poetry Writing Month!
started by poet Maureen Thorson
a challenge to write a poem a day
that’s write: 30 poems in 30 days
Ready ? Set? Write !
Writer’s block? Not sure what to do?
Try these: Online Interactives from Read/Write/Think: Theme Poems, Acrostic Poems, Diamante Poems
or learn from poets how:
Kinds of Poems by Kathi Mitchell
Which kind fits you? Why did you chose it? Why is it poetry?
Write it up !
Draft your poem on your Kidblog and edit. Let us know:
Which kind fits you? Why did you chose it? Why is it poetry?
Read it up!
Not sure you want to write a poem every day? How about reading one every day. Find one you like. Link to it in your Kidblog and let us know:
Which kind fits you? Why did you chose it? Why is it poetry?
What do you notice?
Help document: Stuck on the questions: Which kind fits you? Why did you chose it? Why is it poetry? review author craft in the help document. Make two copies as directed and fill it out for a poem your connect with.
Let’s discover:
What is poetry? What is a poem?