
Winter Waterfall

When winter’s sun

arrives for days

warming the earth,

warming glistening snow,

waking the water’s

desire to flow

and wander,

releasing its fury

from Father Winter’s

fortress of snowflakes,

frozen for weeks,

it now roars.




This photography, doodle, video, and poem is part of  #writeout sponsored by the National Writing Project and the National Park Service. The project is for everyone who loves to get outdoors and notice the stories of nature and the connections we humans have with that nature.  Learn more about the project here: NWP Writeout. There’s still time– started on 10/13 and is encouraged through 10/26— and please join in creating a Collaborative Haiku Book of Place—add an image and some short poetry by choosing a slide in this presentation and become a published poet with us!

Keep taking your photos and videos with your smartphones — you never know when or what will  inspire your creativity!