Would you like to join?
Click the link above and follow the directions below.
Note: We’re working on the links to Edublogs to the Webring, but the above WebRing badge does jump to all other blogs in the ring.
After you click join, you’ll see a WordPress sign-in page– click “Register” at the bottom of the WordPress sign-in/login box. You’ll then receive a link in an email to set a password and login so you can “Join.”
- Get the link in the registration email to change your password.
- Log in.
- Click Join.
- A pop-up box appears for your URL information
- Add your URL information [I have a category for CLmooc so I entered: https://askwhatelse.wordpress.com/category/clmooc-2/ so readers only jump to the most recent of my CLmooc posts.
- Get the email for the code for the above CLmooc webring coded link badge link-up.
- Notice in the code there are four lines with id=# that includes your unique number.
- Create a page like the one you are reading now for your webring badge link-up– or create a widget that allows html code.
- Add the code to your page [use the TEXT not VISUAL edit mode]. I also include
Or add the code to your widget. Be sure not to change the id=#
- Publish.
Be sure to paste the code in the HTML/TEXT editor:
If the code doesn’t look right, tweet at #clmooc for help.
About the CLmooc WebRing:
What Else Blog has joined a webring for the online learning community CLmooc whose home base can be found here: https://clmooc.com
The webring was created to replace the Google+ group which had provided members a common space to connect and share.
Thank you to Greg McVerry who set up the webring for the group and Sarah Honeychurch who funded the Inoreader.
Thank you CLmooc for your innovation as connected learners!