Blog a Day 15 I would like to thank… so many people...
#nablopomo #nablopomoed Day 14 The best thing about my PLN is… The...
#nablopomoed Day 12 On “Off” days, I usually plan for...
Day 11 #nablopomo #nablopomoed Veterans Day Veterans Day is a...
On Saturdays, we rest. Saturdays are our favorite, my husband and...
Day 8 Fridays always end with a pleasant good-bye and smiles...
Day 7 Today in class I explained a little about grading,...
#nablopomoed Day 6 On the way to school today I noticed...
Blog a day… November 5 Tuesday If Tuesdays were sweet, they’d...
I look forward to Mondays because it’s the start of the...
Need a challenge for November? BLOGGING (See next section for MICRO-BLOGGING)...
Have you read Verena Roberts post yet? Did you congratulate her...
Yes. I’m applying my creative endeavors to the written word this...