Slice of Life Tiger

Every day, a photograph, a poem. Each day I draw and illustrate on my iPad. I learn a bit each day.

My CLmooc friends doodle every day.

This week’s prompts from Lisa Bardot’s #makingarteveryday continues the theme of Grow, but focuses on a Sketchbook Journal of Reflection. I’m still working on yesterday’s prompt is “Map of Growth.” I’ve started a presentation on the reflection of my art journey so far. [unfinished Sheri’s Journey slides — links aren’t working correctly, but the art and words express my learning and the thanks to the many people / artists who have provided classes and inspiration in support of others’ learning.

So I took time to just doodle a bit — this tiger lily and poem, the flower that once bloomed profusely in our yard but has stopped growing over the past few years. I miss their brilliant beauty.

Writing Inspiration

I scrolled through my “flower” photos and stopped at this tiger lily, which I hope will return to our garden yard this year. I thought about it’s name, Tiger Lily. I considered HOW it was like a tiger— the stripes, the color, and the glowing yellow in the middle, which is like a tiger’s spying eye. A tiger hides in plain sight because of those stripes, hiding in the tall grass, just as this lily does. I took those ideas for a haiku poem.

Writing Process

I thought of the tiger and the lily hiding in the tall grass. I saw how the stripes of the petals flowed from inside to the tips, in long stripes. And that yellow star— the eye. And so—- a poem.

#clmooc #cldoodle22 #marchdoodle #artmap #artreflections #journal #artjournal #growmonth #makingarteveryday #warmup4art #bardotbrush


Hiding in tall grass
Colors flowing in long stripes
Lily eyes, a star.

Sheri Edwards
031722 076.365.22

Your Turn

Today— doodle day. Take a look at one of your poems— see how you can illustrate it to show your poem. I didn’t quite get all the stripes, but the one long light yellow stripe is there, and that bright star!


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