About Planning

Blog Planning

Blogging Flow Strategies to Build Momentum:

  • Inspired by… ideas when…
  • Browsing to… hashtags, social media, blogs.. for..
  • Connecting through… lists, buddies, blogs, comments… and
  • Reflection on own and others ideas.. set new goals

I set myself  February Goals according to those, explained in this image:

How’d I do– by the numbers


Click on the dates in the calendar to read the posts.


13: Topics / Ideas I’ve chosen



16: Using Social Media for ideas, connecting, commenting



7: Connecting through lists, blog buddy hashtags, blog roll. or extending the conversation



5: Reflections on past posts, appreciation of others, setting goals



31 posts [including next two days]

How’d I do:

A Habit

For a 28 day month, I did well. I’ve wrapped my mind around planning for posts through the February Goals planning calendar AND to etch that into my daily planning by working in extra time on some days to write posts that I schedule. I look forward to this time.

Edublogs WordPress

I’ve learned more about widgets, scheduling, themes, sidebars, tags, categories.

It took me about a year into blogging before I understood better about tags and categories. Categories are general areas and tags fine-tune the details of the specific topic within a category.

My problem is now I have a mess of categories that don’t always make sense. Since this blog’s focus has changed and my own interests have evolved, I would create different categories now, and wish I had spent more time in the beginning understand these.

I have 413 published posts; changing my categories would be a nightmare. And I’m still not sure what categories to change or add. I know I’m interested in writing about:

  • homework research
  • assessment: standardized, summative, formative
  • project-based learning [PBL]
  • screen time research
  • connected learning pedagogy
  • civics
  • digital literacy: research, curation, creative commons, validating sources
  • educational transformation

And those are just my educational interests. What about:

  • activism
  • citizenship / voting rights
  • climate change
  • art
  • social norms and inclusion

Categories are still confusing when the whole world is our playground. Any advice is appreciated!

Perhaps I need three:

Personal, Political, Pedagogy!

Planning What’s Next

A schedule of ideas and tasks worked well to keep a focus. What will I schedule?

  • Connected Learning will be a focus because I’m participating in a book club through Twitter conversations. You can join too. [Download PDF]
  • Edublogs Student Challenge – I’m a commenter and you can be too: Join Here. It’s a great opportunity to encourage student blogging, writing, and digital literacy and citizenship. Please consider becoming a commenter.
  • Slice of Life March Challenge by the Two Writing Teachers — I love this challenge and my students did as well; write a slice of your life — a memoir of a moment in time each day. I’ll probably write most of those here. However, some will fit well under education here.
  • New Theme: I really want to spend time looking for a new theme — or a way to customize this one. The text looks great in edit mode, but it’s so tiny when published. I don’t like that. So I’ll look at a few themes.
  • Screen Time: That might fit in with the book club; I have been reading several articles and most don’t quite hit what I see as problem or opportunity.
  • Spring and Renewal: I want to connect with my special friends in #etmooc #clmooc #firstfriends [see my sidebar]– read their work and consider their words, which I value so much. I hope to comment on my learning from  them and extend some of their ideas in my blog to add another view and, hopefully, value to their ideas.
  • Photography Connections: #SilentSunday is a #clmooc thing — share a picture on or about Sunday — no explanation or words, just the picture. But sometimes, I love putting poetry to the picture, enjoying the connection to life that it gives.

I’ll build my calendar on those ideas, which refer to topics, connections, social media, and reflections. This will be a busy month, and a schedule will keep my momentum and focus, the one main idea I learned from creating this February challenge for myself.

question mark


How did your blogging challenge go this month?

Did you continue to follow the #blogging28 hashtag, or another?

What are your goals for next month?

Consider joining the book club!

This is a continuation of #blogging28 and my February Goals.