
This post is week 3 of 8 in the 8 Weeks of Summer Blog Challenge for educators.

By Sheri on Flickr

The Prompt:

The Biggest Change

What is the biggest change you are considering
making for your learners in the coming school year?

Whatever course I teach next year, I will include and expect search, research, and verification skills every week. I want students and adults to know that ways exist to verify the information and the websites that continuously bombard us with information in an effort to inform, persuade, and entertain. Knowing the difference and knowing how to know that is key knowledge for today’s citizens.

I’ve always taught those skills– but now, they need to become habit, a part of our daily conversation.

What’s real? What isn’t? How do we know? What is sharable? How do we talk about this?

Resources I’ve found include search strategies, internet safety, fake news, website/source verification, critical thinking, socratic discussions, and questioning techniques.

Of course, these resources must also be considered by students for their own writing because content, purpose, audience, and truth are also their responsibility.


Search and Media:

KQED has several courses on media.

Google for Education Search

Google’s Be Internet Awesome

Teaching Tolerance on Search Engines: How Info Comes to You

Fake News

TeachHub’s Resources for Fake News

PBS News Hour Extra Resources

BBC Academy

Padlet of Resources by Ms Legarde

Source Credibility

Teaching Tolerance Evaluating Websites

Edutopia’s Evaluation Websites

Education World’s Guide to Source Credibility

Critical Thinking / Reading

P21 Critical Thinking Resources

Teaching Tolerance Close and Critical Reading

ThinkCERA Graphic Organizers for Critical Thinking

Discussions / Questioning

ThinkCERA Socratic Discussions

My favorite: QFT / Question Formulation Technique from Right Question Institute: Sign up for Resources

QFT I created in Google Docs, for student collaboration in class


Search, research, verification, conversation, reading and writing: these are powerful tools for our students.

As teachers of those who will lead today, tomorrow and in the future, we need to help students understand and apply the skills needed to navigate social media, news, and our everyday interactions; it starts in our classrooms. It’s the biggest change in our world today, and education needs to change to deal with it.

Wha would you add to this list?