Fridays always end with a pleasant good-bye and smiles on most students’ faces as they head home for the weekend.
Fridays always result in a sigh of relief for a good week and for a short break.
Fridays always require tea: Evening in Missoula tea from my granddaughter. I arrive home and unpack my weekend work from school, then sip that delicate spearmint cup. I sit back and think about what we’ll do next week, and then shift to an art project, enjoyment reading, Sudoku, and a relaxed conversation with my husband. Friday means a catch up on Twitter with a few thanks in Follow Fridays ( #ff ) to all I have learned from that week. It’s a good evening.
Fridays always mean a new beginning. No matter what happened during the week, Friday means moving forward. It means being thankful for the good things, and thankful to regroup and start anew.
Friday always means relax!