#RSCON4 Inspirations for #CE13


Don’t miss your chance!

Teachers now have access to free quality professional development via current online technologies. Experience this live with thousands of educators from around the globe by listening to the 4th annual Reform Symposium Online Conference, RSCON, which took place October 11th to 13th in conjunction with Connected Educator Month. You can still attend this free online conference from anywhere that has Internet access by viewing the recordings, check  Twitter (@RSCON4), Facebook, or Pinterest.

I participated this weekend for an inspirational uplift that hopefully will also enlighten my colleagues as they peruse the recordings.  What did I see?  What did I learn?  Here are a few highlights with links to the recordings.

Joan Young RECORDING Facilitating “Wow” Learning through

Humor, Novelty, Awe, and Fascination:

Humer    Novelty


Judy Willis

Todd Nesloney RECORDING Connecting You AND Your Classroom GloballyEduAllStars Episode 12

Jack Andraka, high school inventor


Todd says: join Twitter:

connect!Show the tweets that helped you.


I’m thinking:

How about emailing them?

Or a blog of your favorite tweets for teachers?


Josh Stumpenhorst RECORDING Keynote:Recognize authentically.

Share what inspires you

about your colleagues and students.


Josh says: hand written notes.

I did: Hand written cards created

with student art/photos.


Abraham Lincoln says:

“Don’t worry when you are not recognized,

but strive to be worthy of recognition.”


Sylvia Guinan RECORDING How to turn your learning management system into an online playground



Creative Activities

Connect students globally

(empathy, midnight, social intelligence).

Use multimedia and creative activities for the fun piece

(artistic book clubs; journalling; collaborative poetry;

music; comics; citizen journalism; real life projects).

Apply brain-friendly principles (color / visuals).

Use Collaborative Tools


Be someone.

“No matter what he does, every person on earth

plays a central role in the history of the world.

And normally he doesn’t know it.”

Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist


We do this with:

Google Sites


Google Apps


BitStrips for Schools




Chris Lehmann RECORDING KeynoteScience Leadership Academy (high school)

core values of

inquiry,research, collaboration,

presentation and reflection

are emphasized in all classes.


Project based learning–

authentic learning

Google Apps


Tough times in education

with current emphasis.


Education is Broken

Michael Berry RECORDING Shadowing Students as anEffective ObservationStrategyfor School-wide Leadership and


What do the students see?How do they feel?

Follow a student.






RECORDING Rethinking The Way We LearnHow would this transformation

redefine student learning?

Joe Dale:

build a PLN that is content rich;

pedagogy broad


all teaches should help students

become connected students

and to do so the teacher needs

to be a connected learner


Amanda: How do we help teachers

understand that “teaching is learning?”


Ika Chieka: Yes, ask students for feedback.


Laura Gilchrist: Teacher learning is overlooked.

Teachers just as important as student learning!

Teacher learning should be a top priority

in all buildings/districts.


Polly: Learners need to be constructing

their own knowledge and learning.


Paula Naugle: Give students plenty

of opportunity to demonstrate what they are learning.


Sylvia: Amplify! think bigger!

Communicate outside and present in different ways.

Over a hundred events took place: Have a go at one:

2013 RSCON Recordings – The Future of Education

I would recommend the following RSCON4 sessions by my PLN friends:

Paula Naugle RECORDING Mystery Location Calls via Skype or Google Hangout
Denise Krebs RECORDING The World Needs Your Contribution–Really! How my PLN Changed Everything
Gallit Zvi RECORDING Genius Hour

I’d also recommend a look at the following:

What is Connected Learning | Connected Learning


Connected Learning For Educators | Connected Learning (home page)

Read the information and learn how today’s world is connected; people are connected not just face to face, but globally as they build relationships and collaborate on projects to learn together.  The internet allows us all to participate (equity / participatory ) on shared interests for shared purposes. You may want to read more about this from my post for Connected Educator Month. The second link is a pdf for envisioning how to become a connected learning and school.


Connected Educators | Helping Educators Thrive in a Connected World

CEM: Getting Started | Connected Educators

This is the official sites for Connected Learning for Connected Educators. How do you learn? Do you want to join the world’s most connected people?  Click the second link for how to participate.


Digital Is | NWP Digital Is

The National Writing Project provides this site for teachers to share and interact with quality language arts lessons, ideas, and strategies. Please join.


National Day on Writing

#write2connect: The 2013 National Day on Writing 10/10 by NWP radio | Education Podcasts

Consider the National Day of Writing on October 21st.  Celebrate it in your classrooms on Friday, October 19th or Monday, October 22nd.  How will your write? How will you encourage your students to write? Listen to the podcast — it is excellent (second link above).

Blogging: Get started!

If you are a teacher at our school, please ask how to start — our platform is Blogger and our naming protocol is nsdyourlastname.  So my blog is: http://nsdedwards.blogspot.com  Just log in to Blogger with your usual username and password and click: Create my blog. A few of you have started. See me if you aren’t sure.

How To Blog and Challenges by our friend, Sue Waters at Edublogs:

Personal Blogging | Edublogs Teacher Challenges   Start your professional blog this week. Here’s how.

Edublogs Teacher Challenges | Free professional learning for educators by educators

Take part in a teacher challenge.

Blogging With Students | Edublogs Teacher Challenges

Learn to blog with students.

Creating a PLN | Edublogs Teacher Challenges

Learn to build your Professional / Personal Learning Network.


Next, I watched Sue Waters video on Flipboard Magazines as a way to curate your favorite sites and tweets hashtags.  Learn about it here:  Digital Curation by Sue Waters


And lastly, I connect with you by creating this post and Flipboard of resources.

Thanks to all of the above for their excellent work, connecting with others in an open and transparent way so we all learn and grow together.

What did you learn at RSCON4 or Connected Educator Month? What’s your best learning?