Better Letters

Congratulations Students!  You did it!

You worked well on your Letters to the President, researching issues important to you to find supporting evidence.  Not all of you researched in depth; some only summarized.  Even so, the work engaged you to draft, revise (several times), and edit well.  You met the deadline, and published.

Google Docs is amazing — great spell-check, ease of collaboration, and security.  I could see in your eyes and actions how you completed real work in a real world, real life situation. You accepted the role of concerned youth seriously.  This is what education should be: collaborative application of continuous learning

We wrote better letters than hand-written drafts because of the collaboration in a job-like setting.  It was — and continues to be — a wonderful experience.  I hope you agree (you can comment below 🙂

Links to our directions:

Links to our letters:

The above link no longer displays our letters, but you can find the drafts here.

What else will we do? Our next projects: A Team/Partner effort to combine facts/text/media about YOU. Just in time for elections and a continuation of issues important to you.
I can hardly wait to read your new efforts.  You always surpass expectations — keep writing?