Welcome July CLmooc

Is there something every summer you look forward to?

I anticipate another connected learning chance to be creative in making and writing and friendship through #clmooc: Connected Learning Massive Open Online Collaboration, an expanding group of global educators and others who enjoy making and learning together from wherever we live. And every summer volunteers plan optional prompts for us to create, originate, remix, and revitalize, and we share in several areas. Just read what we have planned for this summer and where we share, as we connect with a project of the National Park Service and the National Writing Project [blog] called #WriteOut: we’ll doodle, make maps, write poetry, snap pictures, etc. all month about places in the world.

Won’t you join us?

Doodle! and more…

Here are a few Doodle Prompts created by Sarah Honeychurch for July around “Places” and “parks” — but don’t just doodle: create songs, poetry, etc. Just read the invitation for exact information.

I welcome you in my doodle for July 1st to Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area, which is my home park and favorite summer area to swim, boat, walk a dog, read, and gather with family:

See… you could do this too! For more prompt samples, see the CLmooc newsetter again for Susan Watson‘s fabulous set of thirty-one July doodles.

Daily Connectors

Besides doodle prompts, there are Daily Connectors, more prompts that will also focus in July on place-based learning and writing. It’s all in the CLmooc newsetter. So, I added my welcome doodle to a map:

It’s pretty awesome that Washington State has SIX National Park Service areas. We’ve really got everything within a few hours drive. How about you? What’s special about your favorite place for summer [or winter, if you’re south of the equator]?

Maps and Poetry

That brings us to maps and poetry — a Padlet of photos and poetry by #clmooc -ers in a truly inspirational way to share your special places. This inspiration created by Charlene Doland [inspirepassion]. I’m planning to visit and participate there quite a bit. Remember: read the CLmooc newsetter for all the details.

I’m excited to have you join us to share your favorite places. Join us and we can fly around the world together.

Read the CLmooc newsetter and join us today!


I’m getting my “write” on by joining #campnanowrimo too as I write about our #writeout in #clmooc.

All photos and images by Sheri except as indicated above.