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#clmooc Enjoy the Journey

#clmooc – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires  Be sure to click to the site to view the links in the show’s sidebar.

#clmooc is a journey — a summer of meandering through a welcoming maze of unique people open to sharing and learning together. Sign up, if you haven’t yet, here.

#clmooc is a collaboration — a busy swirl of sharing, remixing, revising, sharing, conversing, and curating.

#clmooc is a lens — zoom in and out as needed to catch your breath, refocus, and renew; renew your summer making focus and renew your own pedagogy as the connected learning principles are lived through the making and connecting.

#clmooc is a neighborhood — a community of diverse and dynamic people with their own purpose and one guiding one: connected learning; it’s a neighborhood that becomes yours — a place to find both like-minded individuals to boost your confidence and discerning individuals to build your backbone.

This is my third year with CLMOOC and I’m already overwhelmed with the continuous flow of sharing and support in the Google Plus community and on twitter #clmooc. Facebook CLMOOC is booming. If you are a newcomer, take a breath, and just enjoy the flow until you find something or someone to connect with. Next week we start the Make Cycles and the sharing and remix begins in full force — and the force will be with you and your choice in how and when to participate.

The most important thing is to ask a question; someone will jump in with more questions and possible ideas; it’s all about the power of your interest and peer support when you’ve found a shared purpose. From that networking, amazing “makes” happen. That’s the power of connected learning principles.

Where else to ask? Four members of many on the support team are ready to encourage you:

Terry Elliot

Mallory McNeil

Michael Weller

Sheri Edwards [that’s me]

Be sure to watch and listen to the first webinar and the National Writing Project Blog Talk Radio where former #clmooc participants share their amazing stories of how CLMOOC has transformed their teaching and their lives. Each are an hour long, but well worth the listen. Sign up your blog — or read and comment on others’ blogs in the Blog Hub.

Welcome!  I’m headed back to journey through the Google Plus neighborhood to see who’s sharing. Be sure to add your place in space on Kevin’s map.  So, will you walk with me?