#nablopomo Writing Prompts for Educators #nablopomoed #clmooc

NaBloPoMo_November_blogroll_largeNeed a challenge for November?

BLOGGING (See next section for MICRO-BLOGGING)

I’m not sure if National Blog Post Month is official, but I signed up here. I’ve seen #nablowrimo and #nablopomo tags, so the challenge is on for me at #nablowrimo.  However, the prompts suggested for most bloggers are not ones that meet my focus.  So, if you are an educator who wants a challenge for November — not a word count, but a post count of “30 blog posts and 15 comments,” here are some possible prompts for the month of November.

Their purpose is to engage the total educator, not just the classroom person, but the day-to-day thoughts and actions of who we are. They are often general to allow for your interpretation. So perhaps a new tag is in order: National Blog Post Month Educator #nablopomoed

Here are suggested prompts — just post 3o times/ comment 15 times:

1: Why I accepted the challenge

2: Write a response to a blog you read today

3: Write a few suggestions for prompts for educators (link to your post as a comment below for others)

4: I look forward to Monday because…

5: Election Day reflection or If Tuesdays were sweet, they’d be…

6: On the way to school today I noticed…

7: It’s the end of the quarter. Consider grading practices…

8: Fridays always…

9: On Saturdays…

10: Over the past week I considered…

11: Veterans Day reflection (Note: Remembrance Day in Canada; Armistice Day)

12: On “off” days, I usually…

13: Weather description, a sample of setting…

14: The best think about my PLN is …

15: I’d like to thank…

16: Chores and other matters

17: Sunday morning,

18: The best part of teaching is…

19: My family knows that…

20: What I like to learn about…

21: A great strategy to encourage learning is…

22: A celebration for today…

23: Time for…

24: If only…

25: Connections

26: Creating

27: Singing

28: Thankfulness

29: Favorite recipe (of food or learning …)

30: Reflection Theme: What six words describe your November?


Thanks for joining with me for A Post A Day, short and sweet for #nablopomo and #nablopomoed







My PLN friend @tracywatanabee asks:

“Any ideas of how to modify for me? I can’t do a post a day.”

Two suggestions:

1: “Modify: Count the posts you write! You don’t have to do the prompts 🙂 Do you post something each day? Use that!”

2: Be a micro-blogger on Twitter .  Just write 30 original tweets (use the prompts or your own ideas) and reply in a conversation 15 times.  30 + 15 = 45

 Here’s the badge:



nablopomoed.micro Join the November Blogging team — try one or both: Blog / Comment or Tweet / Reply






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