A Digital PLN Story #etmooc

Hang Out

How do you build a PLN? Take a risk. Be JoLLE: Join, Lurk, Learn, Extend.

In 2011 Denise Krebs and I began an adventure, and I am forever grateful for the friends and support that have been shared back and forth since then, and continues even now.

Here’s our story, approved by Denise, my friend, because @cogdog asked for stories of positive connections:

Two Connected Learners #etmooc from Sheri Edwards on Vimeo.

And that’s what happens when you JOin Twitter (or #ETMOOC), Lurk around awhile, Learn a few things and spaces and tricks, and the Extend yourself into conversations and projects.

Think: What do you hope to do in the next year?


on “A Digital PLN Story #etmooc
6 Comments on “A Digital PLN Story #etmooc
  1. Pingback: What Else - Digital Literacies Education #etmooc

  2. Pingback: Digital Literacies: Education #etmooc | pause 2 play

  3. Pingback: What Else - Best Connectedness Video by@thecleversheep #etmooc #ceetopen

  4. Hi Sheri,

    I love this post with yours and Denise’s story! Such a testimony of a growing PLN, and the benefits!

    Kind regards,

  5. Pingback: #ETMooc | Pearltrees

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